
The Kids Are Alright 4

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Does ANY of that legal, or business, or political mumbo-jumbo REALLY represent us, The American People, and Peoples around the world?  Of course not.  It never has.  It represents the one percent of leaders who CANNOT dig their way to the surface of their own bullshit-spewing machine into the light of day again, plus whoever they can dupe into unwavering loyalty no matter what nonsense they pull.  That is NOT who we are!  In EVERY culture of the world, the power brokers are LUCKY, LUCKY, if they represent even a fraction of the general population.  One reason is because they promise us everything we ask for when running for office and then deliver a fraction of that, or some ill-gotten commodity to placate us, some of which is helpful, and some of which only delays the bite we feel when our systems break down because they were playing games, not leading us to our OWN goals.  We elect an idealised image, and they immediately begin to act counter to what our hopes were or are.  They then continue to act and even believe as though they are representing us just because they did get into power when they AREN'T representing us anymore, through their own duplicity, and we still support them in some few things, but not all, and already turn towards the future, a better vision, another hope.  It is wishful thinking.  But it IS who we are becoming because we refuse to pay attention to it happening right under our noses.  We refuse to refute the propaganda of policy, corporate-think, and politicised "news" over reality, and secret intelligence machinations because they continue to reinvent a need for themselves, through THEIR OWN CRISES, and these nefarious crashes, and "wars" of ideology, "Cold War", "War on Terror" which may--or MAY NOT correspond with our constitutional rights or the will of the people.  If those rights get in the way they become a footnote in history in the interest of expediency and we generally don't get them back.  How many of our freedoms will we allow to be chiseled away?  We refuse to stand up to the corporate/military/prison/industrial/government machine because we are given the opiates of the masses: TV and press propaganda, oxycodone and antidepressants, and oppresive laws meant to silence those who understand morality as a function of human interests rather than profit.  We refuse to learn what democracy is and what it means for us.  Therefore it is slowly eroded away...  Without our own example of responsibility and our own pride, we are being left with pieces of a shattered dream.

"I walk a road, the horizons change/The tournament's begun"… (KING CRIMSON In The Court of The Crimson King, 1969)

Instead of that, I get turned on by art.  I get inspired by Rock and Roll every day.  It is ok to feel young and inspired!  It gets us through the day.  It gives me strength to go out in the world and know I am backed by an army of thinkers from three generations and beyond.  It makes tanks and bombs look like the children's sandbox toys that they absolutely are.  We don't have to pretend to be adults--that doesn't make you one.  We have to actually know what we're doing.  I'm not talking about your specialisation, I'm talking about being responsible for our future.  Art allows us to look at ourselves, not through our eyes in the bathroom mirror we see every day, not through our boss's eyes, or our employees', but as a few billion other people see us--in the round, as a human being.  It shows us we CAN adapt if we are willing to dream about how to, and then do it.  These are OUR lives.

We do very little in our everyday lives to change the idiotic institutional notions that aren't quite keeping up with the speed at which we reproduce and so constantly return us to war, like repeatedly losing at some giant video game resulting in our cities and towns being blown apart. This is not some video game.  This is not even just "history in the making", this is the true world, the new world; this is OUR world.  Even if all of our notions were true they would still fail under the load of increased humanity.  We need the wisdom of our elders, but as they are holding onto power longer, they are losing the understanding and perspectives of strength in dreams rather than strength in power, and there is very definitely a difference.  We need them to think as flexibly as they did when they were young and hopeful, not as they do when they are rich and jaded.  Therefore we need shorter terms and more broadly educated applicants.  Internationally, we need to stop stabbing each other in the back as though we're in a bad soap opera.  This is part of where the log-jam is happening.  We need our leaders to lead so we can lead in turn.  What's the hold up?  The massive war machines can cool off.  The ideologues can sit down to tea.  Everyone revving their engines like excited motocross bikers at the start of a race makes it all look like a dirty and dangerous competition without much meaning.  We GIVE life meaning.  What are you giving to it--love or hate?

That is why there is amplification.  That is why we have plugged in.  That's why we are wired for sound and enlightenment.  That is why we come together in wonder, joy and hope, and bemoan schemes for detriment and death.  That is why we rattle and hum.  That is why we swing and sway.  That is why we rock and roll.  That is why we expand our minds FAR beyond the tin can world most people who consider themselves evolved live in, and STILL a corrupted, myopic, one-ended world view aims to control us, aims to baby us and diaper us, aims to take away our independent thought and reason and choice.  It is tiring, and yet it is worth the lifelong debate.

Is there some kind of mysterious hope in Rock and Roll, then?  Absolutely.  It is every bit as powerful as ANY other idea ever conceived..  It is free expression.  It is human spirit and spirituality.  It is unchainable.   It is one of the strongest forces on earth.  That is why even governments take notice when our heroes speak.  That is why corporations latch on like lampreys (see the obfuscation of great art with advertising on YouTube and anywhere else) to suck the blood out of it, and it brushes them off.

Life for conscious, rationalising creatures is a birth to death struggle against perceived entropy.  Even if we didn't destroy ourselves, there are natural cycles of creation and decay.  We will never get away from that.  Science and religion will both claim catastrophe, but Nature is the master.  Call God the higher power instead if you want to.  It is inevitable in the natural world AND the human world.  Anyone who studies us can see how we crash around half blindly, because we don't live long enough to become truly wise.  But catastrophe is not unsurvivable--we hope.  At our most basic level, once we learn to secure food and shelter there is more that we need: spirituality, art, logic and reason.  Power becomes our attempt at safety, and so it is, until we blow it.  Sometimes entropy must be embraced in order to effect the CHANGE that we need to bring predictability, safety, and thus peace, to our world.  I make a distinction between entropy, where parts of things can naturally seem to be out of order (like a decaying log or a flooding stream, which processes we can see in action that we can rely on or which encourage us to reform into something structurally sounder, like a more enriched and stronger tree growing out of the loamy nutrients of decay--or more future predictive, like placing our structures farther away from the edge of the stream to avoid being washed away), and anarchy, where systems are destroyed with no clear path to resolution except eradication which informs nothing.  There is no anarchy in nature.  Everything is part of a cycle of growth and decay.  These cycles would happen whether we were watching or not--were happening before, will happen long after we are gone.  Instead, anarchy is a human perception which identifies those things which act AGAINST the reasoning that we must put our world in order to sustain manageable levels of comfort and peace and to prevent dissolution of society.  That IS society--managing our resources to support stability.  Complete anarchy is no good at a rock concert, and no good in society, it is a loss.  If the crowd goes wild and starts tearing up seats and starting fires, the band generally can't go on playing.  End of show.  "This way to the egress!"  Every man for himself = anarchy.  We have to start over from the beginning.  Too often that is what we are seeing today--even among our leaders--every man/woman/child for themselves.  The Punk Rock and Rock and Roll ideal of anarchy is merely a desire to hit some cosmic reset button.  Since we are so often already on our own, why not go all the way?  That is the reasoning.  But what we understand as we age is that our societies are twisted, they aren't hopeless.  We don't really want anarchy, but entropy (it just doesn't sound as ballsy!).

We have evolved creatively to be able to counteract our perception of anarchy in what we so often consider "our" world, and that is the guiding reason for our rise to be a preeminent species on Earth in all of our ways, shapes,and forms.  On the other hand, a little entropy is beneficial because it spurs us to think about what we are seeing.  It accentuates the intrinsic value of what is at stake, and it allows natural progression of thoughts and ideas and breeds leaders who lead through skill and intelligence in managing disarray back towards productive, deeply-rooted results.  We are catering to a range of perceptions and emotions that speak to the heart of us.  That is what art does, and the spirituality associated with art does this as well.  Art describes humanity.  By modern standards that is considered marginally better than a birthright avarice or claimed tribal divinity, and class-defined fear and oppression, or bullish domination (rife with associated bullshit) which is what all-out war brings, whether by corporate greed or by intolerant politics, which itself brings us to all-out war, anarchy.  Entropy can strengthen, anarchy can completely destroy.  Those adept at balance are the best leaders of all, and those come in all forms.  The best ones are able to rise above even their own tribe, to something universal.

"I'm just beginning to see/Now I'm on my way" MOODY BLUES Forever (Tuesday) Afternoon…

Entropy is a loosening of control that allows us to test ourselves without falling flat, with a safety net--our society--with an intent towards something better: how to express ourselves and enhance our world without undue restriction, but which also acts as a restriction itself, on static oppression which allows progression of niche values for destructive behaviours that could lead to further decay and collapse for the majority, until our imaginations break free to answers that can't always rationally be taught, but must be discovered in a flash of understanding born out of some collective need, plus a history of paying attention, from out of the ashes, and out of the mouths of babes, and so to look ahead from that point, to shape our morals towards better behaviour by experience and effort, and even failure, not just by books of lists and dry history and tired legal, political, industrial, and financial fleecing routines.  That is NOT inspiring to everyone, no matter if it brings wealth.  It is NOT balance unless people are inspired and self-controlled at the same time.  This gives us the catalyst to find clearer paths.  It cannot BE controlled.  The discomfort of control is what feeds the fires of discontent.

This is the lesson of history which our leaders have forgotten--AGAIN.  It is the noose around their own necks and ours that they are twisting tighter all by themselves.  And we let them, because we have forgotten the importance of standing up for ourselves in a democracy.  It seems too burdensome--too disruptive.  And so our rights are expunged.  Unless we stand up for what is important to US, it will be lost in the shuffle.  Indeed, all of those things tie in, and give a groundwork and reference points, and something structural.  But something visceral, some spark, often is needed to polarise us for quantum forward motion that outflanks destruction and anarchy BEFORE it happens, like the secretions of an oyster around an irritant.  This can be non-violent, but aggressive debate, it can be through art, it can be through a march, it can be through a speech.  It can be through an impeachment if it has to.  It is something to wake us out of complacency.  These are the wars you DON'T hear about and are every bit as heroic as any battlefield victory.  This is the battle of peace.  It is fought by far more heroic people than those laying waste because they have stood themselves in the midst of horror and are yet still human.  "The sea hath its pearls."

If, instead, this spurs totalitarian behaviours, as it often does, out of a knee-jerk, abject fear of change that military control-types fear as a threat to their imagined hold on things, the response is no longer just a dance of dissolution, met with thug-like brutality, but may indeed turn into a march of revolt, to re-secure our freedoms, and clashes of the unafraid with the fearful, who need guns and badges and clubs and hastily implemented legal controls to soothe themselves in their jittery anxiety, having been drawn to their positions of authority BY that very need for control, and lives are then lost and disrupted on both sides and the legal process is damaged, not strengthened.  This loss of direction towards the pursuit of the pearls of REASON, rather than to restrict and to dominate and reject anything irritating, is measured in decades now, centuries, by authoritarian overcompensation, since the Nixon era in my lifetime, who clearly used secret police as his own dogs of war, and was caught and held accountable by a public and press that wasn't yet brainwashed, and the push-back and echo of police control AND brainwashing is now measured by ever increased synchronicity to organised subverted rule until better heads prevail, until better heads of state are elected who more closely represent our needs and freedoms, not weak-kneed fear-mongers hiding behind closed doors and cameras who give control away willingly to people with guns and wet their pants to see people marching for truth, and meet it with fear and extortion and bombs and bullets and handcuffs again and again, and set the grittiest of poor examples to everyone paying attention to their power rackets and loan-sharking (and then wonder why guns are a huge subculture and the insanity surrounding them is less than uncommon).  We are NOT free until we remember what democracy is and why it is important the way it was designed to work: in a state of checks and balances.  What methods, what tools do we have for dispensing peaceful reminders of what truth is that are not met with violence and over-control again and again?  It is the policy of fear.

These cycles are like waves on a beach, but the less we pay attention to securing our freedoms to be free, in ANY era, the better the chance we have to wake up one day without any.  We think of the Constitution as a guarantee, but when lawyers and judges and politicians change its interpretation to whatever they feel like, or our secret agencies disregard it outright, we are NOT safe.  The world is slowly identifying the benefits and drawbacks of being free, and together we are seeing change.  Rock and Roll can be entropy.  A peaceful march is entropy.  An armed crackdown is what turns it into anarchy, in EVERY era, in EVERY country.  It is fascism not freedom, it is devolution of leadership, not democracy.  Our right to assemble and to disagree wholeheartedly with status quo is guaranteed by our Constitution and yet removed by our police.  What can we do to make ourselves heard?  The first line is to CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES.  Do that first.  Art is alternative.  Art, and music especially, can embrace discussion or reject it utterly and stand entirely on its own.  Art can change the world.  In every culture, art can change the world.  Remember that love is the strongest emotion in the world, and we have methods to express it that are every bit as powerful as any aircraft carrier.  Love makes an aircraft carrier a toy boat.  Is that something leadership teaches?  No.  They would rather you to be afraid and full of hate.  That makes THEM look strong.  The propaganda of hate makes the upper crust look regal and necessary and above the petty affairs of "ordinary people".

There are truths on the other side of the rabid, K-9 ridden, anti-youth, anti-freedom, state fear and smear campaigns, with which forward, or even self-actualised movements are met in any era.  There are less quantifiable side-effects of turning away from hate, such as expanding consciousnesses to include interests that sometimes take years of philosophy and history and social studies and physics courses to become versed in by more mundane routes, and a LOVE of the human race and our wonders of intelligence, reason, and spirituality, our togetherness of spirit in tune with each other and our world.  That is a very real side-effect of turning away from what is repulsive, and yet we know that at some point we must accept ALL of us, or we will never understand the whole picture.  There is nothing MORE critical to survival than our understanding the world and how we think and perceive the things around us, how we perceive our "reality" vs. objective truth in the absolutes of the physical world, in order that we can build a solid framework for doing anything important.  WE ARE NOT SLAVES to any machine or viewpoint.  Indeed, perceptions are expanded to INCLUDE higher education and higher ideals for how business can embrace society rather than alienate it, or try to control it, by economic manipulation and by wars when balance is broken, when hope and forward momentum is encouraged rather than fear and oppression and greed.  It is what adults so often WILL NOT address for themselves and especially refuse to our children: the right to educate ourselves AT THE SAME TIME AS we are being educated by institutional approval--society's pat on the head--or shaving one's fingers and clucking at us.  It is that fear of giving our kids a true understanding of the wonder AND danger that can result in stunted learning and a resentment of authority, or at worst brainwashing into armed gangs where authority FORGETS its mandate of love and peace and protection (those are not hippie pipe-dreams, those are the very ideals of democracy).  Then MORE control on top of a disinclusive education or experience stream is further proof of the argument that too much control is oppression.  It is PROOF.  It is self-evident that control leads to revision.  Unfortunately, a rise in protest when the populace discovers truth, and hidden knowledge that doesn't jibe with the propaganda, that proves we have been lied to, often matches a rise in open violation of laws by the very people who are supposed to be upholding them, both protesters AND police, who give up looking to corrupt government for hope and instead turn to their own street law.  Therefore protest itself is often treated as THE crime rather than a REACTION to criminality and corruption ALREADY prevalent, and/or less peaceful elements hijack and treat protest as a forum to riot out of frustration, or a sense of fun, or a sense of profit for their own politics and propaganda.  This brings LESS credibility, not more in the eyes of our already anxious and/or guilty police and lawmakers.  It is EASY to point at disarray and say, "Look!  THERE'S the problem!"  No idiot, the problem is entrenched and we are now trying to dislodge it.  "Enough already!" is the reasoning and your days are already numbered as a force of control.  It is as undeniable as the tide coming in, or a storm breaching the walls.  For this reason, it is best to get a message out that is NOT violent.  "Live by the sword die by the sword," is devolution, anarchy.  Don't just show up with any old message.  Make sense.  Acceptance of evil is certainly an option.  In fact, poor thinking is a natural part of humankind and evolution, so be forgiving, but so is adaptation, and we are masters of that format.

If we DON'T strive to understand consciousness we are only a tool in someone else's hands.  How many police and politicians and sectarian gang leaders see that as a grand bonus of ascension to power--having so many unquestioning tools to do their bidding or to be a total tool themselves of mob mentality on some political Ouija board beholden to finance and business and religious and status conscious egos?  Changes in perspective are light years ahead of rote education in terms of discovering the nature of things.  The trick is to be able to approach issues with 360 degree perceptions and those who are unaware of their own ability to USE more than one perspective are the very people that are often fooled into thinking any side is the ONLY viewpoint.  Thus we can never purposefully negotiate to get to middle ground without people with open minds.  We draw swords instead, and lapse from reason, which we believe has kept us above animals, and then hypocritically fight tooth and nail.  That is a lapse of higher cognition.

Why do kids turn to Rock and Roll?  Often what we see in the adult world is people behaving like anything but people, let alone adults--EVERY day.  Animals behaving like animals is often what we see--war as an extension of teeth and nails, guns as the colourful crests in cock (chicken) fights.  But adults glibly assign this behaviour minor roles in our consciousness because we have long ago accepted glaring idiocies in the way we do things as "normal" and "real", thus anyone who speaks out must be crazy, "It's these damned KIDS who are crazy!  Remember how crazy we were?"  No!  I remember WHY we were crazy!  Adults are fucking crazy and blind to their own neuroses and cross-purposes and take it out on everyone weaker than themselves, especially anyone trying to break into a better perception of how we can do things.  The kids are alright!

"Sometimes, I feel I gotta get away/Bells chime, I know I gotta get away/And I know if I don't, I'll go out of my mind/Better leave her behind with the kids, they're alright/The kids are alright"…  (THE WHO The Kids Are Alright, 1965)

We were frustrated!  What a crock of shite we are always being handed to live on as if we are imbeciles!  It is adults who are always indoctrinated into insanity:

It is we, as a species, who can come to power and then lie vociferously on critical subjects of state requiring not less truth, but MORE, as if our twisted reality will somehow come to pass just by soundbite repetition, conglomeration, and force of will rather than cross-examination and truth--AND IT DOES!  That is how propaganda works as well as truth if nobody bothers to fact-check what is being said to more than one source, and so any idea can become law.  Politics are seemingly acted out behind a space-time shift, a ripple in the fabric of reality, behind which curtain, while appearing clear, but wavery, is no longer on the same plane as other realities. We see people and lips moving, but they are not of our world, and, using this illusory effect, our leaders hide there, untouchable, speaking their own legalese to each other, and ultra-condescending soundbites to us, until they change our worlds into something for which we never asked, to which we would never have given permission.  Behind THAT is an opaque curtain, and that is where our secret agencies hide.

It's we who think war is an ideal.  It is we who think guns and violence and terror are the answer to all things difficult, because it masks the underlying faults of society--fear, broken ideologies, oppression, greed, entrenched corruption, stupidity, irresponsible capitalism, blind faith, and radical racism, nationalism, and sectarianism.  EVERY WAR IS BASED ON THESE FLAWS IN OUR WAY OF DOING THINGS.  Our ape-brains tell us we WANT to punish those people!  We WANT to hate them!  But when we look into the mirror, and when we use that ability to shift perspectives which is a decidedly HUMAN trait, indeed, our own "raison d'etre", we see that we ARE "them" but for a few details and substitutions.  We think if we fight for something then it must be great (or else!), and will mask the fact of our unwillingness to do the hard work of reasoning through change EVEN when we elect leaders who promise to do it, but who instead only waver and shimmer behind the curtain of law and profit, like a detached retina, a floating lens, once capable of the clearest of visions, now no longer able to focus on what is right in front of them: Truth, a better try at our ancient ideals to fit within the modern landscape, to adapt the needs of MANY into our civilisation, not only a few privileged or "enlightened".  It's always someone else's fault.  "At least our way is better than the other guy's," we think, as negotiations break down, as we kill thousands of people, then millions, and they kill us.  And our peoples' lives at home dissolve into apathy and gang war and violent outbursts with guns and fists because their dreams have become a shattered dehumanised industry whether they work hard or not.

"My karma tells me/You've been screwed again/If you let them do it to ya/ You've got yourself to blame/It's you who feels the pain/it's you who takes the shame"…  (THE WHO The Dirty Jobs, Helpless Dancer  1973)

It is we who think money and profit is all, that that is somehow the basis for any institution, rather than sticking to the IDEAL which started it, and everything else including freedom and human rights is subservient, even including existence itself.  It is not profits that get us into trouble, it is irresponsible profits-driven corporate-think which takes the ideal of freedom to succeed and be happy in that pursuit, and twists it into one of exclusionary privilege for a small number of people.

It is we who think environmental destruction is somebody else's problem while we protract and exponentiate it day upon day, year after year, and nature recoils.  Then it coils for the counter-strike that we are too blind to see coming.  That too is behind some faery curtain.  "As long as pollution isn't gushing filth into our front garden..." we tell ourselves--and then it is, radiation, too.

It is we who KILL in the name of god, a creature of over 7 billion faces that we reinvent and reinterpret daily, because we have the ability to reason and to question.  We forget that the idea of god is as numerous as people on Earth, and we are ALL right.  It is ONLY our tribal differences that make us claim one version.  Is there only one version of music?  is there only one version of art?  Our spirituality is not law.  We will never be free until it is separate FROM law.  Law can be bent and broken, therefore so can spirituality if it is attached.  Spirituality is YOUR link to the power inherent in all things.  It belongs to no one/It belongs to everyone.

As long as it all happens in somebody else's backyard we can continue to bear our children and pretend that they won't be impacted by our disaffected laundry list of "too difficult" problems of society.  In so doing the problems of society are magnified right along with the population, often exponentially.  Our use and disposal of resources more often go into maintaining minimal standards rather than strengthening and building long term for truly inspirational dreamworld societies--even better than the dreamworlds we are fortunate to have now.  Once more into the breach goes the ever-flawed human race!  Once more the roll of the dice, rather than a solid plan.  "Maybe nobody will notice if we sell half the foundations of the Constitution in exchange for campaign finance and secrecy!" we say, "Maybe nobody will notice if we lie about the foreign slave labour that produces our products, the below subsistence wage of our own salespeople; maybe none of this matters as long as I am going to heaven!; maybe this snake-oil our leaders are selling will blind everyone to our lack of any kind of sense of duty and honour at all, except to our own selfish career and bartered salvation.  As long as the front lines are trained about duty and honour, so what if our people giving the orders in the rear have sold theirs and bought another yacht and another warship?"  And if people knew our leaders thought and acted that way they might well be stoned in the street, pilloried, but we don't WANT to know, and turn our heads away, cover our ears, shut our minds, hang onto the fable that if we work hard, and fight hard, that might be us one day, and then WE could pay ourselves not to care the same way they do and join the secret society.  Perhaps that IS the only way to stay, what our medical industrial psychiatry business might call "sane".

No, it is CLEAR thinking that keeps us sane, and society is what is warped by the ripple effect of perceptions.  How many bandaids can we apply before we realise we are bleeding out?  How many times have we heard that old saw, "Insanity is repeating the same behaviours over and over and expecting a different result,"?  That is the human race in spades.  That is society to a "T".  It may be insane to hope everything will be addressed in our lifetime, but it is NOT insane to try for incremental change, by peaceful means, to be a positive force for acceptance, not by stonings and clubbings and by war, whether we are in a minority or a majority, as we have ALWAYS tried to do, but by simply UNDERSTANDING.  Truth is stranger than fiction, and so much, much stronger.  But BALANCE is the goal that keeps us happy and productive and able to survive together.

The fact is that we "adults" do little in our everyday lives to change these idiotic institutional notions, meanwhile holding out the torch for how great we are that we have marginally succeeded over a few short centuries, in building great institutions of wealth, learning, and hope, but have fallen short when utilising restraint, clear-headedness, scope, and honour.  We are adapting, but whole new generations are continually caught in the struggle which slows to a crawl as bright young minds crash into us from behind, grinding us into those barriers and log-jams created by our own unwillingness to look ahead and clear the way.  This is not some "Tax-party" mass movement for change.  Be careful who you follow.  There IS a movement for change happening, it is ALWAYS happening, because current leadership is failing to inspire.  We built up our mountains of bullshit to hide behind, and by god we are going to peer over them and roll boulders of it down on anyone approaching!  This is our methodology.  We see by the obstructionism of the powerful, who no longer seem to fully care about morality and reality, or who are frightened and cowed by corporate-think and peer-pressure, who are divided and distracted from what is happening at street-level, who are doing a damned poor job of implementation and influence in restraining each other from cheating, by company, by party, and by nation, but work hard to preserve selfish wealth, and head-in-the-sand politics, that it is all too easy to give in to frustration or complacency or rebellion, or even retaliation in the worst case, rather than working for change and for awareness, through intelligent reason, and shoring up the groundwork of long-term peace, and a chance even, to describe the amazing world we know we have in truth, but maybe one day soon we won't.  That is not fear, that is following the lines of reason.  Instead we slide again, towards empire and away from democracy.  Instead we conform to power rather than Constitutional freedom as a People of Earth.  Bubbles form in our economies like nitrogen in our bloodstream and burst in the joints and organs of that complacency and herd mentality, crippling us, killing many, wiping us out, erasing our health, our careers, our childhood homes, and our own ability to inspire our kids and to give them multiple viewpoints and philosophies rather than trying to FORCE them into one that we like, but it is not the rich who suffer.  It is not they who are generally gassed and beaten in the streets, fighting to be heard (herd?), nor do we want that to happen to ANYONE.  It is not they who find spiritual enlightenment but are put in handcuffs for it.  Who wants to spend their lives trying to roll boulders of bullshit BACK UP the hills down which they come all day, every day, anyway?  Much easier to join in and join the party, isn't it?  Or we let ourselves slide down to the bottom to wallow and wait for the trucks to round us up for re-alignment.  It's just easier to give in.  It's easier to get in line.  Bullshit stinks.  At least we can wash it off in the springs of Truth, however meagre and hard to find they are these days whether they are secret or in the open.  We will not stay down.  We are human.  We are not to be divided in thought or spirituality.  We are EQUALS.  We are EACH responsible for what happens.  Your rank is ceremonial, your gun a badge of fear.

"I didn't notice but it had got very dark and I was really/Really out of my mind./Just then a policeman stepped up to me and asked us said/"Please, hey, would we care to all get in line/Get in line."/Well you know/They asked us to stay for tea and have some fun/Oh, oh, he said that his friends would all drop by"… (LED ZEPPELIN Misty Mountain Hop, 1971)
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